For the 2024-2025 school year we will be using a platform called ParentSquare for school to home communication. You can log in via a computer, download the app, and/or sign up for text messages. It is very user friendly.
Download the App Here: ParentSquare
All school wide announcements, grade level announcements, and classroom announcements will be posted on ParentSquare.
ParentSquare Cheat Sheet:
🟩 Green Messages are for the entire school
🟦 Blue messages are class specific.
🟧 Orange messages are from the PTA or one of the many Committees
Please reach out to our Parent Coordinator, Amy Chalkley ([email protected]), to sign up.
Download the App Here: ParentSquare
All school wide announcements, grade level announcements, and classroom announcements will be posted on ParentSquare.
ParentSquare Cheat Sheet:
🟩 Green Messages are for the entire school
🟦 Blue messages are class specific.
🟧 Orange messages are from the PTA or one of the many Committees
Please reach out to our Parent Coordinator, Amy Chalkley ([email protected]), to sign up.